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Our Roof needed Repair in Albany NY!

With the holiday season just around the corner, we have had to make sure we are totally up to par at all our facilities, even the just the satellite ones we rent out. As we like to share the good times, we also have to share the times that may put a hamper in the good times.

Last week our roof in Albany NY ended up leaking and completely ruining a lot of our products and setting us back a couple of weeks on orders, to get back moving we instantly called our manufacturer to send more product, about a 2 week lead time so we had to schedule it properly to make sure we can fulfill orders. Next we got a great referral for a local contractor, Albany Roofing came out and gave us some emergency services for commercial roofing. Albany NY is loaded with some great residential roofers as well as commercial, we got lucky for this emergency repair; we had our EPDM roof patched and ready to go asap! We are super grateful to Albany NY.

The North East has some extreme weather and we understood we wouldn’t be immune to it, we just weren’t prepared to lose so much product! Luckily insurance covered a great deal of it, but the logistics of fixing it and changing out the product wasn’t fun but we made it through and just wanted to make sure to thank all of our vendors and contractors that made it happen! Until next time!